The Vision
Restore Hayti's sovereignty, dignity, and strength through the re-establishment of the Haytian Monarchy, returning power to the people by asserting independence from destructive influences from the State, non-state rogue actors (e.g., gangs), and global superpowers, and reclaiming Hayti’s position as a beacon of freedom, unity, and resilience in the Caribbean and the world.
700k Haytians fled their homeland
people are fleeing their homes in Hayti, while many others seek refuge abroad under dire circumstances. The homicide rate was estimated at around 60 per 100,000 people, a drastic increase from previous years, largely due to gang violence.
How tensions are rising:
Many criminals have been set free, due to the gangs' control.
Many terrible acts have been committed to those captured by the gangs such as rape, torture, and even cannibalism has been reported by the gangs who have taken over the capitalÂ
Now what? Earthquake disasters.
Port-Au-Prince is located right on a tectonal plate, making it prone to earthquakes. It has suffered multiple eartquakes in the last couple decades in the capital. The most recent one in 2021 has left Haytians feeling hopeless.
The prior earthquake (2010 earthquake) killed up to 300,000 people and injured many more.Â
The constant threat of earthquakes and tropical storms along with a dysfunctional government has only worsened the situation.
Key Issues Facing Hayti
Facing Food Shortages
As violence grows across the nation, more people are struggling with acute hunger.
Controlled by Gangs
They have taken over schools, shipping ports, prisons and more.
Below the Poverty Line
Hayti remains one of the poorest countries in the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region
Reparations for France
The constant need to pay France has disabled Hayti from developing, both economically and upholstering public services.
Our Mission
“To honor our nation’s history, promote unity, and inspire
a future of stability and prosperity for all Haytians. We hope to continue our journey to
secure a brighter future.”
We are Campaigning for a better hayiti
By integrating the revolutionary spirit and ideals of the past, Hayti can strive towards a more equitable and stable future.
Join us as we journey through our past to
secure a brighter future.